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I returned to the UK on the 2nd of July, about 2 weeks ago, and have been pretty busy and very happy since that time up till now.
Did the London 10k on the 6th barefoot, but unfortunately I picked up a bit of a knackered ankle from it. During the training for the 10k, the runs were going alright, so I think it just needs a bit of rest at the moment from any overuse, but regardless completed the goal of running the 10k barefoot. Not sure of the time because didnt really care too much, just ran!
The summer is promising to be fairly busy, with a few projects on the go and trips here and there. This month is the Trace Gathering, as well as the exam for the BPCA qualification that I am yet to get. Next month Jason, my dad, my brother and I are all heading to the Niger Delta for New Foundations, planning to build training equipment for the kids out there to play on and have something to do in the area. As well as this will be all the seeing of patients and treating as well as checking how things are going and just seeing what needs to be done basically. No thanks to Gordon Brown screwing up the ceasefire out there, now the Niger militants are hating on England, so we are Scottish from now on *wink wink*.
Been training a bit since I have been back, and its incredible to see the progression of everyone after 10 months of leave. Loads of new faces in Cambridge and just loving hearing about all the new things that have been accomplished, certainly a heck of a lot to get my teeth into once the ankle is cleared up. Fallen straight back in love with the Cambridge scene and the town itself, loving it. At the moment just settling back into some good practice and play, trying to get stronger and just get out and train.
Film of the Month: "Into The Wild " (thanks Bobby)