
A taste of parkour again

Yesterday I organized a training session for some of the guys here in Nanjing to come to, just to all train together as well as just try and talk to them about parkour and show them basic things that they can keep drilling.
About 10 people turned up and although some were starting off with 10+ft drops, it wasnt too long until they began to understand basics a bit more. Also had a guy there who was 30 with 20 yrs of wushu under his belt, so when he started doing drops etc, i just said i didnt think it was best to start off with, but left him to it because he has 5 times more experience than me at his chosen discipline, so fair play!

Well, there is this cat pass to a tree that has been taunting me for a few months here, and I have put it off through a lot of excuses, and just not wanting to give it a go.
But that day I really felt was the day i needed to finally do it. Its about a 8/9 ft drop from the cat pass to the floor, and about 7ft or so across, so it was daunting for me because cat passing from speed to a tree is much more unpredictable than walls etc, plus the grip was kinda hugging two big branches.
The past few months of my training here has almost exclusively been drills and strength training, which has really paid off, especially with my touch, so I hadn't pushed myself to do something daunting for a while. As such, training was on occasion enjoyable, and often quite a chore, especially partly because I train solo 9/10 times and the weather here is much colder now. Not really something too off putting usually, but I didn't realise how good it is to train with other people which I have been used to having access to back in the UK of people similar to myself.
Either way, after deciding to commit to doing the catpass, it took me about 2 or so minutes to go for it, which really suprised me! I just had so much clarity while looking at it, and just ran without hesiatation to try it, something which usually doesnt happen as people who train often with me know that I can over-analyse things too much somethimes. The first attempt I crashed into the tree because off coming down into the landing it was extremely hard to stick due to the angle of force. I went on to try it another 4/5 times, picking up some tasty grazes and bruises until i finally nailed it by sticking my foot into a v-shaped divet which i thought was too high for me to get.

Anyway, the whole point of this is the feeling I got from it, it was a bonus that I stuck it, but the whole process of having to push myself and failing over and over but to keep trying is something i have really missed from parkour, a really familiar but long-ago feeling of raw parkour, having to really use what I have been training to accomplish it. I was just reminded of why I love parkour so much and how it has helped me grow and how something so intrinsic as moving has so much value. It also made me think that people should forget about materialistic things, and really invest in things that are intrinsic in your mind and body, like writing, art, singing, language, etc.....things that are with you 24/7 and you can unlock whenever you want, this is why I love parkour and moving. Sometimes I just need a reminder.

So if you are going through a slow patch or are discourgaed, just stay on the grind and dont give up, nothing worth having comes easily!

PS: Check out this link:



I wanna be rye bread!

Haven't given a proper update for a while now, especially concerning training and just what is cracking in general, and I feel now is an ok time to just write what is going on at the moment.

Well with regards to parkour, its all going well and I am keeping things ticking over as the weeks go on. When I first got out to China, I had lost strength from about 1.5 months without a structured routine due to a whole bunch of things going on, all of them good and worthwhile for sure. So, I had about another 2 weeks till i started training again in China, and the regression felt quite obvious to me so I have had to work back up to the standard that I was feeling back home, and now really feel like I am getting back on things.

Chinese is taking up a fair old chunk of the day with about 6 hrs being spent studying, as well as working at a kindergarten twice a week and volunteering at a home on mondays, so I have managed to get in a good set up where I have 2.5 hrs every week day of training, as well as free movement on the weekends. So the current schedule is every weekday 1 hour of drills, 1 hr of strength training, and about 20-30 mins of stretching. I do pulling movements twice a week, pushing once a week, and rotate every week so it becomes 2 days of pushing, and 1 day pulling. Also leg strength on tuesday and thursday, with deadlifts and weighted squats having been intergrated into the legs session, with drills working the legs a lot as well.
The drills usually consist of drilling touch and precisions, for example, today I did 75 drops, 75 height jumps, 50 precisions (alternating left/right/both legs), 50 arm jumps (with climbups obviously), then an hour split into dips training and one arm pushup training. I am just following a structured routine in this way to make gains with the strength goals that I currently have, and also to keep progressing with the fundamentals through drills such as touch, balance, combinations, single movement repetitions.....etc. But I am certainly training at a satisfactory standard again, making sure that I am working hard each evening, making the most of the time I allocate. I am blessed with really nice training areas around my campus as well, and the exercise parks are great places to train strength.

Also got a fair bit of interest from Chinese students here since a few people approach me every time i train (so i have found a few quieter spots). I have only done one conditioning session with a bunch of them so far, and it had to be knocked down quite a few notches from the nights we were doing in Sheffield (really miss those). But I really feel there is a fair bit of potential for parkour here, I just need to organise and set aside time to train and teach people as well as try and set up a little infrastructure to help it grow. Planning on chipping up to Beijing in January to see the heart of the Chinese parkour scene and a friend from a couple of years back, so that should be interesting.

In a couple of weeks I am also doing the Shanghai half Marathon as a build up to the ever impending marathon des sable's. With this in mind I plan to do a few runs out of the city for a couple/few days at a time sleeping wherever and with everything on my back, a bible, and God for company. Its fairly daunting since the Chinese countryside is really not the most cheerful I have been in after the cycle trip, so it should be a good challenge mentally as much as anything else.

I really feel as well that I have a much better balance to my life with regards to the ratio of training to other things. During my first year at uni I was pretty much using the majority of my spare time to train, or thinking about training, with a lot of time sacrificed to this end. Now I realise that training is certainly not the be all of things and that it is unhealthy (for me) to be so obsessed by it, BUT, it is still a huge part of my life and helps me live better in so many ways. It is really important to me and I feel it is a vital part for everyone's life, that movement can enhance a person's quality of life so much that i feel everyone can benefit from it, but should not be ruled by it. I feel that parkour and training is part of the whole, rather than the actual whole.
I also used to get fairly stressed when thinking of where I should be, and also used to compare myself to people too much, which made me beat myself up a bit when I thought I was not at the standard where I was. My mind and goals would often flit when I saw where certain people were, thinking "ah i need to get back on learning more acro", or "damn get back on the movement/conditioning more!". Being out in China and being really the only person who trains parkour that I know of, I am more focused on myself and find myself enjoying the process for what it is. This is another important thing I have learnt a few months ago, to really take pleasure in the means, the process of training and to to not get caught up in the goals or ends, but rather keep ticking over and taking enjoyment in the training and letting the goals take care of themselves, which they will if the training is sound. So I have definately learnt to just take more enjoyment in the training itself and to be happy in the grind, the familiar strained and sweat-soaked focus that accompanies a hard going session where you truly grow in mental and physical ability.

I feel like a really focused, tight and uncompromising session of training is similar to eating really heavy, wholesome, thick, stone-ground bread, as opposed to the light, refined, fluffy, processed white bread of a half-hearted, confused, undirected session.
I am trying to apply this kind of mindset to everything that I do, with my Chinese, God, people......trying to do the best I can in each area of my life, applying myself to the things I choose to do, to try and be wholesome, nutritious Rye bread! (This is going to read very strangely to me later I reckon...). I am lacking in so many of these areas and have a lot of work to put in, but its a whole life process, and ultimately its up to God to decide where I go, but I want to go wherever that may be. I feel like my priorities in life can be simplified to three things:


I am thankful to God that I do not care to much for other things like money or material things, and that I have been shown that the best things in life are what is right in front of our eyes.
Ultimately God is the only thing that I need and am learning to cling to, there is literally nothing better or more important in the world than that.
I am also appreciating just how lame I am in all areas of life and how much I have to learn, and how much of a complete noob I am in everything! So many shortcomings that I have and still so much to learn, but ultimately everything that I do is so temporal in this life and has so little meaning attached to it. I just feel like a child in the world and the more I grow up the more I see how little I have achieved, and how little I can do by myself. I used to think that I wasn't doing to badly, but although I know I am on the path, I now see that I have so many areas to change and grow in, mainly as a person. I say all of this with no sadness at all though, but feel like I am starting to see more and more how much I really on God and how much about me I feel is wrong or lacking. I just love knowing that I have SO much to learn, to be humbled by, and that there will never be a point where I have 'arrived' in this life. It feels good to know this because I have to trust God with it all and can know that he has my back and just go for it, like a kid trying over and over while failing and getting picked up, but being a kid, not getting to caught up in the failures and trusting his dad.

Anyway, properly rambled there but my fingers just kept typing so there you go!

If anyone wants to chat about anything then hit me up on my email, would love to hear from people about....anything!

Peace, and hope life and training is fruitful for everyone.




So while I have been in China, I have been teaching at a kindergarten twice a week just mainly to get myself out of my comfort zone to be honest. Each and every time I go I get absolutely destroyed by the kids, just because I run out of things to teach very quickly when surrounded by 30 three year old kids who would rather just go mental and run around than learn what 'brown bear' can see....
I was asked by the teachers to bring a few friends to help out at Halloween, and AFTER getting them to say yes, I told them we had to do a dance in front of the school.....haha they werent best pleased.
So we got there and then were asked 'what dance have you prepared'....clearly none since its me they are asking. So we were lead to a room, some music slapped on, and then told 'ok you have half an hour to prepare'. What ensued was the most retarded and unco-ordinated dance that has graced that kindergarten, complete with me and Tom doing a backward roll into each other.

Anyway, just thought i'd post it up because it was a funny day and we got some funny pics out of it.

This is how happy they were to do a dance...LOL

"How to scare the shite out of kids for dummies"

Preparations going swimmingly,




Huang Shan - Yellow Mountains Trip

The past week has been National week here in China, which basically translates to an opportunity for travel to many people, including myself. So, using the recently purchased touring bikes bought specifically for this kind of time, Tom and I decided to undertake a trip to Huang Shan, the Yellow Mountains.
It turned out to be one of the most intense and tiring but ultimately rewarding weeks ever for me and Tom, with it consisting of virtually nil planning and things somehow coming together in our favor when all was uncertain. We originally planned to travel by bike all the way to the Yellow Mountains, but discovered while cycling that it was actually double the distance and time that we had anticipated and we didn't have the time to add another week onto our current one since we had classes the following week and a degree to be working for!
So we cycled about 100 miles south to the nice city of Tong Ling to catch a bus from there on to the Yellow Mountains.
This trip gave us a much bigger insight into the more average living situations for the chinese people and we saw a lot of smaller towns and villages which just made us appreciate where we live in Nanjing just so much more.
Here is a brief summary of each day:
Monday: Cycle about 100 miles 10am till 1am, sleep next to road (and mosquito lake...)
Tuesday: Cycle about 50 miles from 7am till about 2pm, sleep in hotel (very soundly)
Wednesday: Catch 7am bus to HuangShan for 2.5 hrs, hike 8 km to top, sleep in hotel lobby
Thursday: 5am for sunrise, hike back down, 8hrs of waiting and bus riding to back, sleep in hotel
Friday: Cycle back about 200km to Nanjing from 10am till 3am

Here is an unedited bit of footage of the trip, i didn't film any of the yellow mountains because the camera was hassle to take around.

Looking nice and fresh from Nanjing, the bikes "Mergatroid" and "Mutti"

The first nights sleep, the tent collapsed at about 3am so we slept on it,

Even just buying fruit brought a fairly big crowd in the smaller towns, who were amazed that we could speak (very bad) chinese

A village church literally out in the middle of nowhere, odd sight

Some kids we met who were on their way home

The only guy out of about 20 willing to get a picture with me, probably cos i smelt bad

The first 3km of the trek up the mountain, food and drink for the days on back

Lookin' fly on the mountain

What can i say....except 'you have legs!'

A view we found very much off the beaten track, absolutely stunning views from the rock side

Compulsory pose on a rock no' 1

Compulsory pose on a rock no2
This was a small jump i did to the thin rock, with a pretty gnarly drop either side, needless to say i was pretty psyched after that!

Sunset or the second coming?

This was very funny, since our plan to sleep on the mountain was foiled by the fact we didnt actually bring a sleeping bag and it was very cold, we asked to have half price for sleeping on a mattress that was stacked at the side, assuming they would drag them into a room, but the guard just dragged them onto the floor of the lobby and left us to it!

One of the hyped kids who didn't let us sleep much haha


Sunrise at the mountains at about 5am, really the best natural thing i have seen

I love the colours of this, just looks like a painting or stencil, was just before the sun started to appear, and when it did, people went absolutely crazy, there were more on the mountain at 5am then during the day! Well it looked like it...


A new path....

To cut a long story short, as of the last few weeks I have put my faith in the bible and Christ. I say the last few weeks because unlike what I expected, when I made a commitment to Christianity, I felt nothing revolutionary, in fact it was a huge disappointment. But I have come to realise that like in anything with life, practice and time is needed to understand things, so although I have many questions that I am struggling with, I have made a commitment to this and to search within it.
Its been a thing that I have been questioning for two years now and I feel that I need to choose whether it is the truth or not, and through many different influences and looking at different forms of evidence and views I have chosen to try and give myself to God. Like I said I still have many issues with it that i struggle with, but to keep it short, I have chosen this as my path.
I think all of us who practice parkour are looking for something in life that has meaning and is something above and beyond what the world and society offer. Parkour has brought together many of these types of people looking for something true, so I just want to say, don't let your search stop at parkour, but think about why you are here and what life is actually about and what your purpose is. Don't let yourself drift through life without considering what is above and beyond what is on offer here, because as we all know, the best things in life are free (eg parkour) and not a product that man can offer.
I wanted to just shout it out on here since it has become more than just a blog for training to me, but somewhere to say whats happening in my life in general also.

Aside from that, China is going well, start lessons next week. Will keep updates on here about what is in the works and what is going on for those interested. If anyone wants to talk at all of anything just email me,

Much love everyone, hope training is good,


Until next year...

Well, today is my last full day in England for almost a year. I am actually off to China tomorrow as a sandwich year for my chinese studies degree course.
I must say, it has come round so fast. I only just got my visa yesterday, and i am completely not in the mindset that i am leaving, its just dawning on me. However i am really looking forward to it and have lots of plans for while i am out there, so i will definately be kept busy enough.
Just want to say to everyone, i am really going to miss you all, and its been a really great summer for me and just another massive thanks to all those who supported the crawl, big plans for the future with New Foundations that you will be kept posted on.
Be sure to keep checking back here for updates from China, i'll let you know whats cracking with the parkour scene and how training is out there, as well as all the travelling.

Take care everyone, see you next year,

God bless


Crawl Review - 11/08/07

Sorry for the lateness of this post, I havent had much time or access recently so it had to wait.
Well, on the saturday of the 11th, it was the day of the crawl. I moved it forward because more people were available to help get money out of the public, and there was more public to get money out of also.
First of all, it was probably the physically hardest thing I have done, which just shows I need to be pushing myself more everywhere else. I started at around 11:20am and finished at about 4:30pm.
I didnt manage to finish the entire 4 miles unfortunately because I was feeling extremely worn down and during the last 20 minutes began to throw up a fair amount and started to find it extremely hard to stay down and crawl from nausea and my head throbbing. I am fairly happy with the distance I did do however which was about 3.6 miles, and I did go as far as I have ever gone physically and mentally, I almost felt like crying toward the end. We managed to raise a really suprising amount of money on the day, amounting to £475.46. Overall more than £2,500 has been donated to New Foundations.
Here is a map of the route, the red line is what I crawled, and the blue line shows the last part which I didn't do:
Also, here is a short video of the day. Unfortunately my last 30 mins of agony were not captured so you cant see me in my personal hell haha.

Thanks so much to everyone who supported me and donated money. I appreciate everyone's generosity so much and am glad with the positivity which has come out of all this, thanks so much everyone.


Crawl Moved.....

....to the 11th. Very late notice but have had little computer access recently. Will post how it goes and whether i finish alive.
Wish me luck for tomorrow everyone!


Trace 2007

Not going to say a great deal about this except thanks very much from myself and my Dad to everyone who donated money. All in all it came to £581.76, all raised in just one evening. I'm really happy about this and extremely appreciative to you all, and there were some particularly generous donations from some people so i really want to thank all those who gave once again.
I hope the New Foundations presentation/video shed some more light on what the money is going toward, and there are some great plans for the future out there.

Regarding the actual event, it was extremely successful and i think pretty much all the credit needs to go firstly to Jason for being the one to begin all this, and also to Dave for just organizing so much and knowing the area we all enjoyed so much.

It was a really great week and I am just sad it is over so fast, it was great to spend more time with those who i feel i want to see more. I definately feel like i have a better friendship with all the Trace reps and just the people who came in general. Overall it was a really great time for meeting my friends and making new ones and I think everyone benefited in many ways from the entire experience. Definately a go-er for next year I believe. Thanks to everyone who came, who donated, and who made it what it was.


Nettle Warrior 2007

Me and my dad just got back from completing the Nettle Warrior 2007 Tough Guy challenge (www.toughguy.co.uk). I have to say that it was pretty tough! The whole course was about 8 miles, and the obstacles were pretty crazy. It started off with the 'country miles' which we thought would be a nice trot through the country, but as we headed into the woods area there was mud everywhere. I stepped to something that i thought would be a puddle and ended up waist deep on my face caked in mud, followed by 'wahhhaayyy!' by many around, and it was all downhill from there!
It was a really good event, very well organized and there were around 2500 other competitors so obstacles were literally jam packed. There were electric fence wires that you had to run through, barb wire to crawl under, logs to swim under, rope obstacles to traverse, 30 foot long pipes to crawl through in pitch black, crazy mud ditches to jump in and scramble out of.....it was a really crazy event. The entire course would have not too bad but the other 2500 competitors and mud covered obstacles made it harder. I have to admit as well that at the top of the bigger structures it was pretty dodgy at times because it would have been pretty easy to misplace a foot. My dad said that the lake we had to swim through had a huge dead fish floating next to him....god knows what is in that water!
Like anything else i did come with my preconceptions of this event, and it was similar to what i thought, although actually more challenging than i anticipated. After plunging into the lake and swimming under logs and platforms, i was affected by the cold more than anything for the rest of it, especially since it was 2 laps. At the end i couldnt hold the camera still and i was shaking all over the shop!
Really great event though, was exhausting and felt rinsed the rest of the day. Was nice to randomly see fellow northern traceur luke there too!
All in all took 3 hrs to complete, including getting all the stones and grit out of my sandals! (My dad overheard someone say i looked like Jesus lol).

Pre-event recce of the course: Just some of the many obstacles:

These tunnels were pretty nuts and it was hard to find the best technique to get through.
Pretty strange sight, sums up the day really!
My dad and his spartan sandal-esque shoes (eveyone else had trainers and trail shoes)

Looking nice and clean before the event,
Check out the new brown apparel!
My trusty Jesus running sandals, blister-tastic!


Life Is Movement

"The fundamental phenomenon of all organic life is change of form (or movement), sometimes so slight as even to evade the microscope." - Eugene Sandow

Stagnation of any kind inhibits progress and growth. Stagnation of mind, and of movement. Thinking back many years ago, it seems that we are all naturally lazy, as a species. Over time, especially the past 50 years or so, technology has adopted many of the chores that we were so used to doing.....food, travel, entertainment; all provided by money and technology. We are often hearing of the growing crisis of obesity and illnesses, especially in western countries. While many in the west are dying from eating too much, others elsewhere are dying from not eating enough....pretty crazy i think.

China is a good example of how modernisation is changing people. With a change in power from chairman Mao and Communism, there has been a rise in expendable incomes. Rates of obesity and coronary disease in China are growing because people now have more money to spend on luxuries such as cigarettes and more food.

Back to the point though, movement is the producer of change and progress. Modern, western society is encouraging less and less of our own efforts for movement because it offers alternatives which are initially more attractive. We don't actually have a need to say a active anymore because we have everything provided for. Money and technology have replaced movement.

Physical movement is expendable for everyone now, as is the need for religion. I am not religious, but I think that a lot of people really need to think about what is going to happen after they die. For a lot of us it is TOO comfortable, compared to what life WAS like or IS like as the case is for many in the world. No one really has to think about what will happen after they die because everything is catered for here, we are distracted. I think its pretty crazy to think that there are still people alive today who were involved in a global war just over 60 years ago.....60 years is nothing! If we were thrown into that situation now, I know that I would be thinking outside of this life a bit more. I am saying this because I think its too easy to get on with this life and forget about after. I am trying to find definite ground for my beliefs on what is and what isn't going to happen after I die so that I don't have to be terrified of death when it comes. Basically I think that people should take time to think seriously about things outside of this life, because its too easy to forget about it and get on with what is currently happening, even if it is all short lived in the grand scheme.

As for physical movement, like a stagnant pool of water infested with mosquitoes and bacteria, this is what our bodies can become if we mistreat them. They need to be active! They need to be fed well! The human body is incredible and can take a lot of punishment, but inflicting this punishment on the self by misuse (or no use) is ruining something which has so much potential for giving happiness. Anyone who looks after themselves and exercises knows how much of a pleasure it is to feel the benefit of their efforts and to use their body. As Sandow says, 'the spirit or soul that occupies a bodily dwelling filled with the divine music of health makes a little heaven on earth within its own body'.

As Williams Belle from the Yamakasi Generation documentary comments, the true and best things are so close, too close for many to even see! We have concepts of happiness pushed onto us by advertisements and consumerism, but the simplest and most free things are always the most rewarding in my opinion. Using your body to move and making it something which is enjoyable to use and reside in (depending on your metaphysical beliefs...) is so simple and something which we always have. The body has so much potential and is such an obvious vehicle for happiness that many are blind to this! External things such as products and lifestyles etc are more visible because they are pushed in our faces.

"Man was ordained to wrest his food from the earth by his own muscular power, and his muscular system was given him for that purpose, and also partly to convert his food into motive power by digestion and assimilation...It is as if the Creator wound up the clock of Life and handed us the key in the shape of a muscular system, which has been given us for re-winding it again from time to time, so as to keep the 'works' of life going smoothly, and enable the 'clock' to show correct time throughout life".
- 'Life is movement or the physical reconstruction and regeneration of the people' by Eugene Sandow.



Just a page archiving my videos so far, will keep as a link for the future,

May 2008 Small Nanjing Video

January 2008 Nanjing Sampler

Summer 2007 Egypt

Summer 2006 Tricking

2005 Owen and me

Boxing day 2004

L'art Du Deplacement

TCT Summer 2004


A lot to chew....

Just a few days ago, i did another longish crawl for my training for the 10th of august crawl (need more donations!!). This crawl really put into perspective just how much of a damn mission this is gonna be, it destroyed me.
It worked out at 2.23 miles, just over half of the 4 mile crawl. By the end i was such a wreck that a woman on my road asked if i was ok and said she thought i was dying haha. It took me about 10 minutes to get down the last road which takes about 30 secs to walk because my palms were so damn sore so i had to change between palms and fingertips. All in all took just around 2.5 hours. Anyway, have a look at the map below to get an idea of the distance, I could have sworn a mile was shorter than this!
This is honestly going to be a real challenge for me and this crawl woke me up to that fact.
More donations please!!!!!!


Pawa Netherlands

On the 7th of June Owen and myself flew to Holland to teach at a Pawa workshop on the invitation of Philip (Chaos), a PAWA representative of Netherlands recognizable by his latest video, 'seamless transitions'. We stayed at his house enjoying the immense hospitality of him and his parents till the monday when we flew back.
The PAWA workshop was held on Saturday with around 160 people in attendance out of the 220 that had signed for it, but the weather forecast scared many away. Along with Owen, me and the Dutch instructors were 7 of the French including Karim, Ramon, Kazuma and Bruno. Seb Goudot had a family birthday to attend :).

We were given around 20 people each to lead in groups with the French staying at certain spots to teach as well, while we walked (or ran) our group from spot to spot. The language barrier for some of the French made it hard for them to teach, but it wasn't so bad. Kazuma lead the warm up outside and there were 8 spots, all outside except one in the gym. Philip managed to get permission from police and shop keepers to let this happen.
I think a lot of people were a bit surprised when they discovered that there would not be as much playing as they thought and most would be drills and strength work. At the beginning with my group there was some reluctance ut people got more involved later on, a few much more than others. I liked at the end when Karim, one of the original traceurs with David and Sebastien commented that if it was real training, they would not be walking out like they were, ie) without pain.
I think my group were pushed and I hope they enjoyed the training and took something from it, I really enjoyed teaching them.
Thanks a lot to Philip and his parents, and I hope to see you, Brian and Marvin in the UK soon.

Chilling in the sitting room watching 'Urban Style' lol

Hitting Amsterdam after the workshop at 1am

Some of the people who attended (a bunch had left before the shot)

Some of the French guys after the workshop

Karim working the powerball

BBQ after the workshop at Philip's house.....SO much food was amazing :-)

Holland instructors

Just gathering for Kazuma's warmup

On the way to Lunch

Instructor's lunch yummy

Naked crew....:/

Playing on the park the day before the workshop

FATTY....nah me and owen didnt have chips....no way :S

Towel whippage

Final logistics

People pouring in and owen looking very 'with it'

Me and Owen's love nest

First night inspecting and trying out the spots for the workshop

The port of much air