2 Years and counting
Just realised that more than 2 years has gone by since I started the blog, and since it was here for me to look back on and see the changes, I thought I would write a small list of certain changes that stick out in my head, although there are so many more.
- Become a Christian, regardless of the constant struggles I have with it.
- Not letting what I practice define me, but rather using it as a tool in life for positivity.
- Opening myself up to all people and experiences, not just through parkour/movement.
- Discovering that I love China, learning Chinese, and can imagine spending much time here.
- Beginning to realise that health, like money, comes and goes, so is not the ultimate goal.
- Trying to think outside of my own selfish self more instead of being self-absorbed.
- My belief to not follow the norm because everyone else does or says you should has become stronger as time goes.
- Although time by yourself is important, time with others is usually what produces the best memories.
- Learning more and more that I know less and less, and that I am much lamer than I once thought.
- Learning that love and sharing positivity with people is extremely important, and trying to learn how to better do so.
- Trying to not get caught up in the small things such as worrying about my training, but doing it for enjoyment and positive benefit and keeping that in perspective.
- Trying to learn how to not keep thinking just around the corner, but about the current day and time so I don't miss out on life.
- Not striving for a particular image of myself, but just walking in the right direction and trying to accept if things go wrong or take a bad turn.
- Don't take myself or others too seriously.
- Realizing how much I love my family and friends.
- Trying to live more simply and enjoy the things that aren't made people.
- Keeping in perspective that no matter how strong or skilled I get, I am still going to lose it all eventually.
- Sheer perseverance can achieve almost anything.
- Learning that I still have a bazillion things to learn and still loads in my head I can't put down right now.