
New arm jump etc

Here is a little video which is just a collection of video phone clips over the past 4 months that Owen edited impromptu style. Its me and owen with a clip of jason doing a running crane precision. The first armjump we just did for the first time today, its pretty cool 8:


Peak District trip

Was away in the peaks from last thursday till today with mike, jason, liv and my bro. Ok, so we arrived after a 5 hour coach journey to be greeted by will and ben of SPK. Burdened by camping gear, we made our way to the first spot where we were introduced to the others such as danny. The rest of the day we were taken around some of the spots by the guys, and im happy to say that i made a good choice by picking sheffield for my university :)
The spots are reallllly sick, we all trained from about 1ish till 7 or so before heading off to the campsite. We caught the train to a village in the peaks and walked a half hour to the site where we pitched up for the night. The leeds guys scott and MART arrived and it was cool to meet them. The next day we all walked to one of my favourite places i have ever seen, a spot with rock formations EVERWHERE. we found natural cat pass precisions, arm jumps etc, but the BEST thing was just running through the rocks like an obastcle course with speed. We then hiked a bit further to a really sublime place, a stream with rocks everywhere, dripping with oriental atmosphere and excellent weather to further the blessing, it really was an amazing place.
Anywa, check the photos im too lazy to write, big thanks to everyone, and it was great to meet new and old friends again, and im very happy with the sheffield scene so i cant wait to start training regularly there!
Natural cat pass to precision

arm jump

arm jump again

Handstand on a rock peak

much peoples do many trainings

Traceurs dominating the path

The stream with rocks.....absolutely amazing, especially when jason lit up some insence 8)

soooo NICE!


doesnt get much more ideal than this....


I am owned.

Last night after watching UF3 (freaking good by the way), me and jason (sinclan) felt very inspired by it. The main thing was the repetition aspect, and since jason is round mine for a couple of months, we are both working on getting hench. So today we set ourselves some goals, which took the day to complete amongst other trainings, all in all about 8 hrs. Here are the days accomplishments:

Jason: 510 pullups
Jin: 250 muscle ups/planche, 100 pullups

It was as such where we first spent about 1 hour doing sets of 5 or so reps with about 1 min rest, the occasional 5 min break, i got the muscle ups to 150, jason got the pullups to 250. We then trained balance and precisions for about 5 hours or so, then came back to complete the task in the next sitting, which was about 1.5 hours.
So now we are fairly owned....


10km London Run 2006

Check out the link

  • for before and after photos

  • Owen, liv, my dad, some friends and I did the London 10k today. First of neither owen liv or i have trained for this at all in any way, so we are happy we did it without much problem.
    There were about 30,000 participants today, which made the run really packed. Throughout the whole day people were at least a metre within each other, which was suprisingly ok, it was enough to keep your own pace. There were some serious mentalists, like guys running in full army gear with backpack etc, and people running in massive costumes like disney ones etc, caught a guy with the head of his costume out leaning under a bridge sweating SO much. It was about 30 degrees which did make it a bit harder, sweating a LOT.
    Overall it was a really good day, and the atmosphere was amazing, with everyone cheering each other on etc, so it was a cool day. The money was raised for my parent's charity (www.newfoundationsuk.com)
    We JUST managed to pull off a back somi within about 10 mins of finishing the run.

    Bodyfat % : 5.1 (measured by the lucozade people there)

    The kool kolour kids after at home