Gym, knee, diet
Whattup, just a short post.
Basically had a consultation today abou the knee, turns out there is NOTHING wrong with my cruciate despite being told otherwise by 2 physiotherapists and its just my patellar that is bad, which has tendonitis. This confused me because being told about the cruciate so much i had it ingrained into my head that it was bad but apparently its fine so thats good. All i need to do is what im still doing, apparently patellar tendonitis can take up to 2 yrs to recover! But mine will recover much sooner im sure of it, going to rehab the hell out of it to avoid surgery on it so its a good result overall!
Diet is good atm, just wanted to say ive had no chocolate for 20 days! haha, yep thats good for me since i was having to many too often, and my carb intake has shot right down. All in all now i eat about 1500-2000 calories a day, and a bulk of it is fruit and veg, and lots of muesli and porridge lol. Ordered some soy and whey protein as well as a smoothie maker to make some fruity protein drinks, yum yum.
And below is a really lame video haha, dont know why im posting it. Basically me and mat went to a gym 'session' and NO ONE was there, so we had the WHOLE place to ourselves for about 2 hrs before being found and politely asked to leave. Nothing crazy or new, not much filmed, we were just having fun! oh and mats aerials are pwning mine like feck!