I arrived in Dali two days ago after taking the 5 hour bus from Kunming. Its basically a small walled town which if in the centre, just looks like a tourist resort, but after walking around, is actually a place where people live, work and go to school. Its by a HUGE lake called Erhai lake, and at the foot of the CanShan mountains, which today I hiked up. The hike turned out to be a bit of a mission, getting much higher than I thought I would, and then having a minor freak out in my head about being to high and it being too late and so having to decide to turn back instead of loop around. Was a really great 8 hour climb up and down though, and the views were so good, felt like the highest I have ever been on ground, dunno if it was my imagination but thought the atittude was quite apparent, prob just my mind though haha. Feeling pretty rinsed now though i tells ya'.
Anyway, travelling by myslf has its up and downs. I spend most of my time just exploring around, and when not, just think about near everything and questioning everything going on in my life, like parkour, God, chinese, direction....etc. Just feel a bit directionless and want to have some concrete goals to aim toward in the long term, because I think without goals life is pretty meaningless to be honest. Thanks to an email from my dad, he has reminded me just to chill and that I am doing something productive with the studying, being here, parkour, pursuing God, and all that. So although it feels pretty lonely at times just being by myself, its also got me to clear my head and question things rather than being distracted by other things. So its all good, again, can't imagine Thomas' adventure right now, full support. Check his blog and give him a hand with some comments, inspiring guy. www.thomadventures.blogspot.com
The centre of Dali old town
Finish of a school day
Rub buddha's belly!
Zhonghe Temple half way up mountain
Typical street in Dali
Cool looking cloud and some fields at the foot of the mountain
Halfway up the mountain on 'cloudy pass'
Some horseys
Halfway up an electricity tower thing
Nice view from about halfway up
View from the highest point I climbed to
Some insence at the temple
Realising maybe I climbed too high