
Adventures at Dale's

So the past 3 days I have been at Dale's flat in Lincoln training and catching up after a good while of not seeing him! We trained everyday which was really good, Dale is getting back into real training after a while of being out the loop. The spots in lincoln are pretty nice, they are not exactly full of obstacles, but the sheer volume of places to go makes up for that. So we pretty much trained all day, then chilled in the evenings maybe watching some family guy/southpark/parkour videos. On the second evening, Cecil (c-man lol) came down, and it was really good to see him after an equally long time! All in all, really good 3 days, and thanks a lot to Dale for putting me up in his room and being cool, and was really good to see you again man, you are always welcome round mine remember. :-)
Dale looking super fly:

Me looking awesome in Dale's room:

Arm jump to the rail, about 10.5 feet:

Cat precision to the higher wall, 6 feet, level:

Precision, 9ft:

Arm jump, 11ft

Precision, 9 foot (scary height):



  1. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Looking good mate, some crazy arm jumps in that area! Cant beat the old climb up practice on a lil' wal though! ;-)

    All the best, see you soon!


  2. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Really impressive stuff, and keep frequently stretching!


  3. Anonymous2:07 PM

    In the "Precision, 9ft:" look in the right side of the photo - do you think it's posible to do a sdb to the metal things coming out of the building or is to far away? I plan on doing something like that as training for forearm mostly but also for precision grip and I'm looking for a spot just like that!:))

  4. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Also congrats for "Arm jump, 11ft" - how the hell do you grip for something like that? Only fingers or do you put your palms down on the wall? I always grip with the fingers only but slip down with my feet and I don't think it's very good for my wrists.:(
    I have no ideea how the hell you are able to do this safelly.:)o.0

    your #1 fan:P:D

  5. lol, well i suppose you can cat to arm jump from the slanted part, but thats a very small distance and quite pointless, and i dont think i could do it from the level rail at least.
    The arm jump is fine becuase the rail sticks out enough to get the whole hand on.

  6. lol, well i suppose you can cat to arm jump from the slanted part, but thats a very small distance and quite pointless, and i dont think i could do it from the level rail at least.
    The arm jump is fine becuase the rail sticks out enough to get the whole hand on.
